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Counselling for Poland

Counselling for Poland student visa

Poland is the 9th largest country in Europe and an increasingly popular destination for international students. Local universities offer a good return on investment, with affordable study programmes and accommodation costs. Add in the low living expenses and you have a formula for (financial) success. You should integrate quickly in the Polish academic and social life, since you won't be the only foreign student. Over 65,000 internationals enrol at one of the universities in Poland every year. You'll have plenty of opportunities to chat, discover other cultures, and have fun at local parties.

The education system is based on the Bologna principles, so there are no surprises here. Most Bachelors take 3 years to complete, while most Masters take 1 or 2 years. Of course, there are exceptions (e.g. some Medicine, Engineering programmes). Out of the various academic courses available in Poland, these are some of the most popular among international students:

  • Information Technology degrees in Poland
  • Business degrees in Poland
  • Social Science degrees in Poland
  • Law degrees in Poland
  • Engineering degrees in Poland

Please contact to our experts in Europe for further information:
WhatsApp: +39-3314216121
Email-id: eliteedge@rediffmail.com