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Counselling for Italy

Counselling for Italy student visa

It's difficult to find a country as inspiring as Italy. Birthplace of the Renaissance, home of countless famous dishes and museums, and the hub of the best luxury brands, Italy is a world leader in many areas. Plus, it has unparalleled beauty in both architecture and nature — from the cobblestone streets of Rome to the bright blue waters of the Amalfi Coast. Today, Italy, the country of the world's greatest minds, such as Da Vinci and Dante, welcomes bright students like you.

Learn more about studying in Italy:

  • University of Bologna, Italy
  • Rome Business School, Italy
  • Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
  • University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy

Please contact to our experts in Europe for further information:
WhatsApp: +39-3314216121
Email-id: eliteedge@rediffmail.com