eliteedge@rediffmail.com +91 8999341355

Abroad Study

Elite Edge has specialists who guide the students in choosing the courses according to their past studies. We have experts who are in Germany, Boston, Sydney, and many more countries for studies and business purposes. Thus, the discussion of the abroad studies has two perspectives here, educational and with respect to business. Thus, we will be guiding you not only study-wise but also a long term plan after the studies, job or business related. A questionnaire is provided, all questions are related to your educational background and skills, thus it will lead to a trouble free guidance session. Points considered in the discussion session-

  • Choices for courses
  • Choices for the respective countries
  • Short term plan
  • Long term plan

What you have to do?

  • Please click on the link given below
  • Fill up the questionnaire
  • Check twice and then submit it
  • Our experts will soon contact you with update

Link- https://forms.gle/ZKGNerP4xU5BER5S6